Paddlers in Haverstraw Bay

Claims for Payment

Hudson River Valley Greenway and 
Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area Grants 
How to Prepare a Claim for Payment

Forms are located in the "Documents" section at the bottom of this page.

The only way to access the Greenway Grant program is on the Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Platform. You will be able to submit claims for payment, upload final reports and photos, and request extensions or rescopes through this platform.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

1. General Information

All grants awarded by the Greenway are matching, reimbursement grants. All grants awarded must have at least $1 in documented match for each $1 in grant funds awarded.

Grant forms for all grants may be found below.

  • Section 2 of these instructions are for all grantees.
  • Section 3 is for grantees with a grant number beginning with either ‘PL’ or ‘CP’; a Greenway Communities or Greenway Compact Grant.
  • Section 4 is for grantees with a grant number beginning with either a four-digit YEAR or ‘NHA’; a Greenway Conservancy Trail Grant or Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area Grant.

A Claim for Payment form, specific to the grant awarded, and supporting documentation must be submitted to the Greenway in order to receive payment.

  • All reimbursable and matching expenses contained in a Claim for Payment must have already been incurred and paid.
  • Proof of payment must be provided with the Claim for Payment.
  • Reimbursable expenses and match must conform to the approved grant budget.

Example, if a $1,000 Claim for Payment is submitted for payment, the grantee must document that it has incurred at least $2,000 in eligible expenses ($1,000 reimbursable, $1,000 match) before payment can be made. Match must equal or exceed the amount requested for reimbursement

Each Claim for Payment must include the correct Claim for Payment form, along with documentation of expenses incurred, proof of payments made, and acceptable match listed on a Match Documentation Worksheet. Claim for Payment forms are different for the grant types specified in Sections D & E below. All Claim for Payments must be signed by the Authorized Signer listed in the MOU.

Please submit one file for a Claim for Payment containing the signed CFP and backup documents, preferably as a PDF. Please submit the second file as an EXCEL file for the Match Documentation Worksheet.

2. Documentation, Proof of Payment, and Acceptable Match

Documentation may include, but is not limited to:

  • copies of bills from consultants or other suppliers,
  • statements of value for materials donated by vendors or the public, and/or
  • in-kind (force account or unpaid, volunteer) services.

Proof of Payment may be copies of canceled checks, credit card receipts, or municipal vouchers. Sources of match may include:

  • direct grantee payments to vendors, listed on the CFP as “grantee cash”
  • statements of in-kind services (force account or volunteer labor),
  • records of donated goods or materials, including proof of value
  • other grants and donations used as match should be listed as “grantee cash”

Acceptable Match Donated, or In-Kind, Volunteer Labor may be matched at the NYS rate for the year it was valid. Date ranges and allowable rates are provided on the Match Documentation Worksheet. General Volunteer labor must be matched at the provided rate.

If a volunteer is a professional, and they are performing work in their field, they may use the rate they normally charge. For example, a volunteer who is a professional surveyor and who is surveying a property boundary may be claimed at their professional rate. However, a surveyor who is clearing a trail must be claimed at the General Volunteer rate. Volunteer hours must be documented to receive payment. Other New York State grants or funding may not be used as match. Any other prohibited forms of match will be specified in the grant MOU.

Before a final grant payment can be made grantees must submit a final report with the final Claim for Payment. The type of information and/or actions required are detailed in the specific grant sections below, but for all grants the financial contribution of the Greenway or National Heritage Area must be noted in the final project documents. The Greenway or National Heritage Area logo must also be used as required by the grant Memorandum of Understanding.

3. Greenway Communities and Greenway Compact Grants

  • If the grant number at the top of your Memorandum of Understanding begins with either ‘PL’ or ‘CP’ you have a Greenway Communities or Greenway Compact Grant and must use the comptroller’s New York State Claim for Payment form. For help filling out this form be sure to review the sample Comptroller Claim for Payment form.
  • Please note that the grantee requesting reimbursement is the “Vendor” on this form and the Vendor is only responsible for filling out the top portion labeled ‘Vendor Information’. Do not fill out anything below NYS Agency Info.
  • Reimbursements will be made electronically by the New York State Comptroller and may only be made to the Grantee.
  • Note: To receive full payment, plans that are created using Greenway Grants must be adopted by the local governing body.
  • Up to 90% of the total grant award is available for reimbursement with submission of a Claim for Payment form and a draft plan, with the remaining 10% available once plans have been adopted.
  • The Greenway must receive a copy of the final adopted plan (electronic versions are preferred) and a record of municipal adoption in order to receive payment.
  • The financial contribution of the Greenway must be noted in the final project documents and must include our logo in order to receive payment. Acceptable credit: “This project/plan was funded in part by a grant from the Hudson River Valley Greenway.”

4. Greenway Conservancy Trail Grants or Heritage Development Grants

  • If your grant number on your Memorandum of Understanding begins with either a four digit YEAR or ‘NHA’ you have a Greenway Conservancy Trail Grant or National Heritage Area Grant and must use the Greenway Conservancy Claim for Payment Form. For help filling out this form be sure to review the sample Conservancy Claim for Payment form.
  • Reimbursements will be mailed in the form of a check from the Greenway Conservancy for the Hudson River Valley, Inc. (Trail grants) or the Greenway Heritage Conservancy HRV, Inc. (NHA grants) and may only be made to the Grantee.
  • A final report and/or documentation of work performed must accompany the final payment request in order to receive payment.
  • For capital construction projects the final report must include photos and a short narrative of the work completed. For plans or design documents, an electronic copy of the final documents produced (electronic versions are preferred) will suffice.
  • The financial contribution of the Greenway or National Heritage Area must be noted in the final project documents in order to receive payment and must include:
    • For Trail Grants the Hudson River Valley Greenway logo and a funding credit similar to: “This project/plan was funded in part by a grant from the Hudson River Valley Greenway"
    • For National Heritage Area Grants the National Heritage Area logo and a funding credit similar to: “This project/plan was funded in part by a grant from the Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area.”
  • Additional requirement for Maurice D. Hinchey Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area grants: The following language must be included in all documents paid for all or in part with federal funds: “The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the U.S. Government. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by the U.S. Government.
